Smart Dog Names A Quick Guide


Dog lovers know that dogs are clever animals. According to studies dogs have the IQ of a 2 year-old child. They can solve puzzles and understand up to 300 words. If you have a smart dog it is important to give him a smart sounding name. Not only will this reflect on the owner but also distinguish your dog from other common sounding canine names. Here are tips on how give your dog smart dog names .

  • Inventors or Famous Scientists

Nothing says geeky but smart by giving your pooch names of famous inventors or scientists. Naming him Einstein or Newton will immediately distinguish him as a smart dog. Another cool dog name would be Hawk, short for Stephen Hawking. Smartness can be reinforced by teaching him how to do tricks and to obey on command. How cool is it to yell “Hawk, fetch!”

There are also a lot of options when it comes to smart names for female dogs. Lots of famous scientists were female like Marie Curie researcher of radioactivity, Hedy Lamarr the wireless communications pioneer and mathematician Ada Countess of Lovelace who is regarded as the world’s first computer programmer. All these names are also unique and some of your friends will be asking who your dog is named after.

  • Personality

Smart dogs have certain characteristics that separate them from the pack. Dog lovers know that characteristics and traits like smartness show up early during the puppy years. Some dogs are more curious than others and are eager to learn and please. Names like IQ, Whiz or Brainy are pretty obvious and are also unique male dog names.

  • Famous Smart People

Famous smart people also make for smart and cool dog names. They can be fictitious smart people like Dr. No evil genius from James Bond, Doogie for Doogie Houser, Sherlock for Sherlock Holmes and many more. You can also name them for famous celebrities who are smart like Dolph for actor Dolph Lundgren who has an IQ of 160, Bill or Gates for Bill Gates billionaire and Microsoft founder, Kasparaov for Garry Kasparov famous chess player, or Cindy for Cindy Crawford the highly intelligent super model.

  • Characters in Books

This is really cool for book lovers with smart dogs. There are many smart people with cool names who are characters in books. Sherlock Holmes is a good example, but to make your dog sound smarter name him Watson for the detective’s smart sidekick. Hannibal for genius serial killer Hannibal Lecter, Matilda, Hermione from Harry Potter, Lisbeth for the Millenium Trilogy and Erasmus and Orsolo from Anathem.

There are many other ways to name give your dogs smart and unique names. You can name them after your favorite authors, Philosophers (Socrates, Plato and the like) and great schools like Harvard, Princeton and Oxford. No matter how you name your dog, it is important to train him so that he does not only have a smart sounding name but is actually smart too.


Smart Dog Names A Quick Guide

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